Warren Water Asks the Community to Imagine A Day Without Water
In recognition of Imagine a Day Without Water, Warren Water is joining the Value of Water Coalition and asking our community to consider the impact of living without quality tap water, our most precious . . .
The Wash Your Hands campaign, launches in-conjunction with Global Handwashing Day on October 15, to reinforce healthy habits within the community. The annual campaign is sponsored by Warren . . .
No Wipes in the Pipes
Take the “No Wipes in the Pipes” Pledge, click here.
No Wipes in the pipes
The No Wipes in the Pipes campaign was launched to educate Warren County residents on a problem that is resulting in increased expenses for the community. Disposable wipes continue to cause problems within Warren County Water District’s wastewater pumping stations. Flushing wipes can cause toilet overflows, expensive plumbing repairs and damage to septic systems, as well as clogged pumps and sewer systems. Warren Water encourages everyone to be part of the solution and pledge to only toss toilet paper down the toilet.
“Even though a product may indicate that it’s biodegradable or can be flushed, the fabric does not breakdown fast enough,” explained General Manager Jacob Cuarta. “There are currently no requirements that a product must meet to be labeled flushable and with an increase in product choices/demand the problem continues to increase for utilities across the country.”