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The Wash Your Hands campaign, launches in-conjunction with Global Handwashing Day on October 15, to reinforce healthy habits within the community. The annual campaign is sponsored by Warren County Water District, Simpson County Water District, Butler County Water System and the Barren River District Health Department. This community wide Wash Your Hands campaign brings attention to proper handwashing in an effort to keep our community healthy. 

“The Barren River District Health Department works to help our communities stay at their optimal health and we are always eager to form partnerships with other organizations that are interested in promoting healthy lifestyles – that’s why this alliance with Warren, Simpson and Butler Water has proven to be successful in the past. Our outreach is stronger when we band together and is even more important during flu season,” stated Ashley Lillard, Barren River District Health Department Director for Population Health.     

The wash your hands campaign provides free mirror clings for schools, daycares, businesses and other organizations to use in their facilities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, handwashing is the single most important thing we can do to keep from getting sick and spreading illness to others. 

General Manager Jacob Cuarta is pleased to launch this campaign once again with BRDHD. “The fight against any virus impacts our community and by reinforcing our messaging to properly wash hands for at least 20 seconds will lessen the spread. Frequent and proper hand hygiene is one of the most important things we can all do to prevent infection. Good health is in your hands.”   

To receive free mirror clings/posters for your school/daycare, business or organization stop by the offices of Warren County Water District, Simpson County Water District, Butler County Water System or the Barren River District Health Department.    

For Wash Your Hands campaign details visit or 

About Warren, Simpson and Butler Water 

Warren, Simpson and Butler Water are public water utilities serving more than a combined 43,000 customers and transporting over 12 million gallons a day throughout the three-county region. There are over 2,110 miles of water mains in the service areas, which span over a total of 1,300 square miles.


Warren County Water District is excited to launch the third annual art contest open to grades kindergarten through high school. We will have 4 divisions and within each grade division Visa card awards will be given to first, second and third place. Winning pieces will be featured on social media and on display within our lobby. 

The attached outline provides all the specifics regarding the contest along with the application. All entries are due by Saturday, September 30.  We look forward to an overwhelming response as we work together to bring awareness and protect our most precious resource – WATER. 

All questions can be submitted to Jill Harmon at Thank you in advance.

Value Water.  Value Our Future.

For more information, please visit the Art Contest page.

Download Contest Application


The Warren County Water District continues to promote education in the water supply field and as a part of its overall community involvement efforts by offering a scholarship each year.  Grace Boyer from Greenwood High School was awarded a $1,000 scholarship to Western Kentucky University for the 2023-2024 academic year.  

 Grace has demonstrated leadership and dedication as a student and as a member of her community,” said WCWD General Manager Jacob Cuarta. “Beyond her outstanding academic achievement, Grace served as a member of the National Honor Society and was named Kentucky High School Athletic Associate Academic All-State. She volunteers on a regular basis for her church and her local elementary school. We are excited to offer assistance as she furthers her higher education endeavors in business.”

In an effort to foster success of future water and sewer utility professionals, the scholarship is offered to assist a Warren County high school senior pursuing further education in a related field.  The scholarship is renewable for four years, as long as requirements are maintained.     

For application and eligibility details, students should contact their high school guidance counselor or visit 

About Warren County Water District  

Warren Water is a public water and wastewater utility serving more than 34,000 water and 9,000 wastewater customers throughout Warren County.  There are over 1,200 miles of water mains in the Warren Water service area, which spans 530 square miles.  The Warren Water sewer system includes over 190 miles of sewer lines.  For more information, visit


Warren Water will join water utilities across the country to celebrate Drinking Water Week (May 7-13) by recognizing the vital role tap water plays in daily life, the infrastructure that is required to carry it to and from homes and businesses, and the important work of water professionals “behind the scenes” to provide reliable water service.

“Drinking Water Week provides an opportunity to recognize our most valuable resource and the team who delivers quality on tap 24/7. We can’t minimize the importance of a healthy water supply in our daily lives,” said Jacob Cuarta, Warren County Water District General Manager. “With the past few years, we reflect on the heroic work of all who place themselves in harm’s way to keep us healthy and safe. Warren Water encourages everyone to be actively aware of how they personally connect with water.” 

To celebrate with the younger generation, Warren Water will host a coloring contest. First, second and third graders will be eligible to participate. Details can be found online at or visit Warren Water’s office to receive an official coloring sheet. The entry deadline is May 19.  

Drinking Water Week 2023 Campaign, which is hosted by the American Water Works Association (AWWA), is a national advocacy event designed to focus on issues associated with drinking water, including making sure that individuals have fresh, safe tap water and knowledge of how valuable the resource is in their daily lives. Tap water plays a critical role in the success of society, from meeting basic public health needs by providing safe drinking water and adequate sanitation, to promoting dental health and supporting industrial, agricultural, medical, and recreational activities. 

“We are proud of our team at Warren Water who work around the clock to bring safe, reliable water to residences and businesses, testing the water over 1,000,000 times a year to ensure quality,” Cuarta added, “This week gives us the opportunity to recognize their commitment to customers, quality service and public health. The coloring contest of our favorite mascot, Splash is a fun way to incorporate the future generation of water professionals and environmental stewards.” 

About Warren County Water District 

Warren Water is a public water and wastewater utility serving more than 34,000 water and 9,000 wastewater customers throughout Warren County.  There are over 1,200 miles of water mains in the Warren Water service area, which spans 530 square miles.  The Warren Water sewer system includes over 190 miles of sewer lines.  For more information, visit


Warren County Water District received $4,086,720 from the American Recovery Plan Act also known as the Clean Water Program as part of Governor Andy Beshear’s Better Kentucky Plan. Gov. Beshear joined local officials on April 25 to distribute funds to Warren County. 

“The funding announced will support the replacement of outdated waterlines, upgrade pump stations and construct two new water storage tanks,” stated Jacob Cuarta, Warren County Water District general manager. “This project will improve service to our customers and improve their daily lives. We’ll celebrate these funds and continue our work to bring clean water to the residents of Warren County.” 

About Warren County Water District

Warren Water is a public water and wastewater utility serving more than 32,000 water and 9,000 wastewater customers throughout Warren County while providing operation and management services to Butler County Water System and Simpson County Water District.  There are over 1,200 miles of water mains in the Warren Water service area, which spans 530 square miles.  The Warren Water sewer system includes over 190 miles of sewer lines.  For more information, visit

Main Office 270.842.0052 Emergency/After Hours 270.842.0068