Main Office

About Warren Water

At Warren County Water District, we take great pride in our role of ensuring high-quality water and wastewater services throughout the entire service area. We are committed to ensuring these services are affordable and available to our region now and in the future.

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Warren Water delivers over 8.2 million gallons of water per day through the system’s 1,200 miles of water lines, which span 530 square miles. The wastewater system includes over 173 miles of sewer lines and 59 wastewater-pumping stations that transport more than 2 million gallons of wastewater each day.

More than 75,000 residents already rely on Warren Water for safe, high quality drinking water. A large portion of that population also counts on us for access to reliable wastewater disposal services. Our mission is to provide efficient and reliable service for our growing customer base.

As industrial growth continues, Warren Water is prepared. Warren County Water District understands the need for commercial and industrial customers to access information about wastewater discharge standards and fire flow availabilities.

In addition, we have a joint operations agreement with Butler County Water System, Inc. and Simpson County Water District, where we serve over 8,200 additional water customers. We constantly strive to be a world-class water utility. Our mission is to exceed expectations by providing high quality water services in a safe, environmentally friendly, and efficient manner.


Warren Water began serving its community by developing the pipe network, pumps and facilities needed to bring crucial water and sewer services to remote and undeveloped locations throughout Warren County. Service began by drawing water from a combination of small wells and intakes. Then, in the late 1960s, service was further enhanced when Warren Water made arrangements to purchase treated water from the neighboring Bowling Green Municipal Utilities.

Main Office 270.842.0052 Emergency/After Hours 270.842.0068